Why a Church Of Christ?
On May 16th 1964 a new meetinghouse for a church of Christ was officially opened in Cambrian Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. But who, what are churches of Christ? (Rom 16:16).
A small group of Christians had begun meeting as a church in November 1946 in "Tinkers Chapel" in Silverdale Road (a house is now there). They saw the need to go back to the Bible as their sole authority, as built by Jesus the sole head of the Church. At a meeting of the brothers in October 1951 they "agreed that an honest effort to restore Christianity as originally given, would mean sacrifice and the giving up of much, hitherto accepted without question. But the brothers were unanimous in their determination to restore the ancient order of things, to seek ways to serve the Lord in complete obedience to His Word". *
In May 1952 they moved to the upper room of the YMCA in 5 Mount Ephraim Road for the next eleven years. During this period they were looking for a permanent home of their own. This came a step nearer in 1960 when they purchased a piece of land at the bottom of Cambrian Road. This land was owned by a local brewery and a headline article in a local newspaper read, "Church buys public house site". This went on to say "For years a sign stood on a piece of over grown land on the corner of Cambrian Road and Upper Grosvenor Road, near High Brooms. It read, Site of the proposed 'Good Intent' Now a religious meeting house is to be built on the site instead of a public house and a new poster reads BETTER INTENT"**. Over the years many different messages have been displayed and seen by travellers on trains, buses, cars and foot. At the opening meeting over 200 assembled, many from churches of Christ in other places in the UK and visitors locally.(see photo below) Our speaker that day (Philip Slate seated) preached a message "Why the Church of Christ" and this was recorded and hopefully will soon be available to hear.
We invite you to join with us and be Christians only without any denominational name. To be simply a church of Christ, the only Church that Jesus built. More information is available and your questions are welcomed.
* Church Minute Book
** Tunbridge Wells Advertiser, 31st January 1961.